
Our Beliefs

We believe tourism must contribute to the thriving of communities, places, and ecosystems. In order to achieve this, transformation is needed across the sector - from traveller mindsets to tourism business operations to the role of host communities - and our work at The Centre for GOOD Travel is designed to develop regenerative capabilities at all these levels.

Therefore, our work is guided by the following premises and principles:

We are all a part of nature

We aspire to bring a living systems worldview to every part of our work. In order to thrive now and into the future we must learn to understand ourselves, our businesses and our communities as part of interconnected, interdependent, complex, living, evolving ecosystems. We must learn to see ourselves as a part of nature, not apart from nature, and to discern our role in contributing to these complex systems.

We need to act locally

Despite tourism being a global industry, regeneration can only happen in places. Luckily for us, the visitor and host encounter happens in a place! Understanding what each unique place needs to thrive can help us to determine how tourism can contribute to the thriving of that place. We believe in working in meaningful partnership with local communities - they know their places best. 

Radical collaboration vs competition

Nature teaches us that thriving systems must be diverse in order to be resilient, adaptive and life-generating, and we take guidance from this in believing that collaboration - not competition - is how we will thrive. We collaborate with diverse people, welcome diverse perspectives, and work to develop reciprocally beneficial relationships with the people and places we work with. We believe  “All flourishing is mutual.” - Robin Wall Kimmerer

Evolving is resilience

The living systems we are a part of are continuously changing. This is life! Developing the capability to evolve with our changing times is critical to our resilience. We must learn to reflect and evolve continuously with courage and humility. This requires fresh thinking, bold ideas, taking risks and imaging new stories for living and working in new, innovative and nature-aligned ways.

Tourism’s Emerging Role

Tourism can enable the understanding and adoption of a living system approach to life. Tourism has enormous potential to help us understand ourselves as part of nature, learn how to act locally in each unique place, exemplify radical collaboration, and develop the capacity for change and evolution. 
Learn more about how we are facilitating this emerging role for tourism.

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